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Higher education settings differ from high school which normally use the traditional way of teaching. Students entering university settings from high school are faced with challenges as they adjust and adapt to the new ways of instruction. To ensure retention and graduation of students, the University of Botswana encourages diversifying teaching strategies that can keep students interested in their learning. The First Year Learning Experience Seminar was introduced to orient students to the university setting. Instructors who ran the seminar reflected on their teaching and used the Student Evaluation of Course and Teaching (SECAT) to examine how students view the strategies used. Students‟ appreciated the blended learning method as indicated by their morale in-online and in-class discussions. Over the years, there has been reduced class absenteeism and increased student retention. This chapter indicates the importance of adopting diverse learning strategies to ensure students active participation and satisfaction with their learning.

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TUMANI MALINGA, POLOKO NTSHWARANG, & NONOFO LOSIKE-SEDIMO. (2021). ENHANCING FIRST YEAR STUDENT LEARNING THROUGH BLENDED LEARNING AT UNIVERSITY OF BOTSWANA. International Journal of Social and Humanities Extension(IJSHE), 1(1), 25–32. Retrieved from http://ijshe.info/index.php/ijshe/article/view/15
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